Our Story
Family-made wines from Eden Valley in the beautiful high country of the Barossa.
DJI 0865
chapter 1
Our Story
A story of the seasons, soil and the fruit
With thin mineral soils and fertile ancient terrain, Boongarrie Estate is a truly special place to make wine. Two decades ago, Phil and Sarah fell in love with the estate and dreamed of what could be – a perfect place to cultivate grapes, olives and to start a family. From the first plantings of Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon to the recent additions of Grenache, Riesling, and Gamay, the estate remains their home and Phil and Sarah’s passion for land continues to grow.
A new beginning
Sarah’s first journey up the long, winding driveway, with majestic red gum trees and the estate's raw beauty, left an indelible impression – It took her breath away. As a dancer for the Australian Ballet, she became accustomed to city living, with a career that took her around the World.

Now, she couldn’t possibly imagine another place to call home. Together with her husband Phil, their children Lewis and Olive, a greyhound named Jinx, two Alpacas and a flock of Australian White Sheep, the family has built a wonderful life here at Boongarie Estate. Sarah hopes that a glimmer of this stunning place finds its way into the glass of wine you share or the olive oil you enjoy.
An enduring legacy
As a second-generation winemaker, Phil’s approach to the craft has been shaped by a life in wine. His parents, Margaret and Peter Lehmann remain a close source of inspiration. While initially plying his trade as an engineer, Phil’s love for wine and passion for the Barossa Valley kept calling him home. His journey to Boongarrie Estate included tenures in Napa Valley, Burgundy, and Stellenbosch, alongside storied Barossa wineries. He holds a graduate diploma in Oenology from Adelaide University.

At heart, Phil is as much a farmer as he is a winemaker – ”I love that the grapes tell a unique story of what they experienced during their growing season. With winemaking, it's our job to capture the beauty of the fruit you've grown, so that it can continue to be enjoyed over the months, years, and decades to come."
The Estate
Boongarrie Estate, owned by Phil and Sarah, is located on the northern slopes of Keynes Hill. Rock outcrops and ancient redgum trees dot the landscape. Vineyard elevation is 430-460 meters.

A total of 10 hectares of vineyards are planted, beginning with Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon in 1998, followed by Riesling, Grenache, and Gamay in 2021. Additionally, the estate is home to a 4 hectare olive grove planted with Manzanilla, Pendolino, and Kalamata olives.
Living on the land
Living on the land is a rewarding life, full of hard work and new challenges. We wouldn't have it any other way. Alongside our winemaking facilities, where our grapes are carefully crafted into Max & Me wines, we have a vineyard, olive grove, and grazing land for our Australian White sheep and pair of Alpacas (Dave and Bendy). We believe it's our responsibility tread lightly on the land, leaving it in better condition than when we found it.

In our downtime, family is at the heart of everything that we do. We often enjoy our time together on two wheels, riding both mountain and dirt bikes through the rugged estate terrain. Jinx, our current canine companion, enjoys the run of the property alongside our children Lewis and Olive. Max, our German Shepherd cross, responsible for first introducing Phil and Sarah, lives on as the namesake of our wine.
Join Phil & Sarah for a private tasting at the estate
Visits and tastings at Boongarrie Estate are by appointment only as our estate produces small quantities of fine wines each year. For a private tasting, please contact the estate at least 48 hours in advance when planning a visit to Eden Valley.